Sixteen years ago when my son first started playing competitive tennis, I was full of questions. I would ask my son’s coach, USTA, other parents, and, basically, anyone who would listen, but rarely was I able to get the answers I craved. My questions were not unique. Other parents were asking the same things. And we all needed more information.
Junior tennis is one of those things where there is a constant influx of new families, families who all have similar questions about how things work. Many of the issues that were of interest to me – and led me to start ParentingAces in 2011 – are still of interest to Tennis Parents today. How to enter tournaments, when it’s time to play up, cheating, how the ranking and rating systems work, what to pack when you travel out of town for a tournament, college recruiting . . . these very valid and very important questions come up time and again on our Facebook page, Twitter feed, and via emails and phone calls.
One of the things I love most about this stage of my life is being able to help guide families through the Junior and College Tennis journey. I am always happy to answer a Facebook Message or chat on the phone about your specific questions and issues! I have lived the Journey from beginning to end, and many of the issues my family faced are issues that you are facing or will face in the near future.
So, instead of me writing articles and hosting podcasts on the same topics over and over again, I urge you to use the Search and Categories features on this site, both located at the top of every page – and to look through our library of Podcasts – to find the answers you are looking for. If there are things that change, of course I will be writing or podcasting about them. If there are topics that I have NOT yet addressed but are of interest to you, please let me know so I CAN address them.
I also urge you to visit the Insider Tips page for more helpful information on navigating through this website. Over the past 7 years, I have learned so much about our sport and have attempted to share the majority of my knowledge with all of you in a way that is easy to access. That said, I am NOT a web designer or coder (!), so there may be features you’d like to see on the site that I haven’t learned about yet. If that’s the case, I’m always open to adding new things to make it easier for you to find what you need, so please just reach out to me with suggestions and ideas!
As always, we are in this together! Thank you for helping me make ParentingAces a better resource for all who need it.