2017 is quickly coming to a close, and I wanted to wish all of you in the ParentingAces Community a very happy holiday season and New Year! My family and I will be celebrating together with lots of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in Louisiana, so I will be out of pocket for the next week.
So, this is the perfect time to do a little catching up! Whether it’s reading archived articles here on the website, listening to podcast episodes you might’ve missed, or scrolling through our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds, there is plenty of ParentingAces content to keep you busy LOL!
I want to thank all of you one more time for your continued support and engagement. The ParentingAces Family just keeps getting bigger – a sign that, together, we are making a difference in the world of Junior and College Tennis. Keep up the great work, everyone, and please keep your texts, emails, and messages coming so I can be sure I’m doing my part to help you as you navigate this crazy journey.
If you’re at a tournament over the holidays, good luck! Enjoy being together and watching your child grow and learn. It’s a process!
If you’re putting tennis aside during this time, enjoy the break!
Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! See you in 2018!
xoxo Lisa