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The Problem with Win-itis: Webinar #2 with David Sammel & Marius Barnard

At Noon Eastern on Sunday, the Middle Sunday of Wimbledon, we held our second ParentingAces Webinar for our Premium Members, in conjunction with Crosscourt Consulting, and it was fantastic!

Our Webinar Guests, David Sammel and Marius Barnard, talked with us on the topic of What is Mental Toughness & How to Become a Top Athlete. David is working with Marcus Daniell of New Zealand (who was playing in the Wimbledon Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles with former UCLA player Jennifer Brady). By sharing real-life examples from professional and top junior players they have each coached, as well as personal examples from their own playing days, David and Marius gave us some tangible ways we can help our Juniors become stronger mentally on and off the tennis court.

We are working on our next webinar for our Premium Members (Monthly, Annual, and Certified Coach) which will likely be held shortly after the end of the US Open in early September. If there’s a specific topic or guest you’d like us to have, please Comment below. We’re hoping to focus the next one on how best to use ratings and rankings to maximize development and college recruiting opportunities.

For those of you who are already Premium Members, keep scrolling to watch the recorded webinar session from Sunday. If you were unable to join us live, you don’t want to miss hearing the wisdom of these amazing coaches! As one attendee emailed me, “Your recent content made me want to reach out (again) and thank you. I got a few kernels of wisdom that I had never heard. As a moderator, you do a great job with tennis coaches who, a lot of times, want to tell you all about their accomplishments and not really provide meaningful content to your members.”

Thank you for being a Premium Member – be sure to check out ALL of your benefits here!


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