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Move-In Day

Move-In Day
Santa Clara, CA

Santa Clara, CA

What an emotional day for all of us!

It started with breakfast at the hotel, loading all the boxes (see yesterday’s entry) back into the SUV, and driving to SCU to unload and unpack.

We arrived at the Sobrato RLC (fancy name for “dorm”) right on time, found a parking space, then greeted the students who immediately came to the car to help us unload. They put all of Morgan’s stuff into 2 large rolling bins, took them up to his 3rd floor room, and waited for us to help direct them where to put everything. As they were unloading our car, 2 of Morgan’s suite-mates and teammates also pulled in the garage – it was a very sweet moment as we all said hello and introduced ourselves.

I left Matthew and Morgan to unpack and organize while I returned the SUV at the airport and switched it for a Toyota Camry which we would have for the remainder of our trip. When I got back to campus, things were moving pretty slowly and the tension was pretty high. The guys decided to take a break, so the three of us went to the welcome lunch provided on the beautiful grounds of the campus before finishing the work ahead. After lunch, we did more unpacking/organizing then left Morgan to work on his room while Matthew and I ran to Target and Bed, Bath, & Beyond to pick up some last-minute necessities. When we got back to campus, Morgan was in the first of two mandatory meetings, so Matthew and I hung out in his suite and waited for him to get back. Then, we got to watch him have his first official hit on the SCU courts with 4 of his teammates – what a great treat!

After the hit, it was time for Matthew and me to drive to Napa to start our Anniversary Trip, so we said our goodbyes and made the 90-minute drive to Yountville and the first of our delicious meals: Ciccio. We sat next to a couple from Houston who spent part of the year here at their vineyard. They gave us some great tips for our time in Napa!

After some amazing pizza and great wine, we headed to our hotel to check in and crash.


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