Junior Tournaments & Rankings

Explanation of 2014 Schedule from USTA

CaptureA parent just sent me the document below that was distributed during Zonals last week.  Maybe it will help clarify the 2014 junior competition calendar?  As I mentioned before, there may be some changes to the scheduling, so please hold off on making any firm travel plans at this point.  We should know more after the semi-annual USTA meeting in New York in September.  You know I’ll report as I get any information!

Sorry about the sideways orientation of the pdf file – I saved it right-side-up, but it’s still appearing sideways in the link.  Please use the “View” function in Adobe Reader to rotate it so it’s easier to read.  Of course, you can always hold your computer sideways I guess!  😉

USTA National Competitive Structure & Schedule of Tournaments

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