Clarification on Selection Process for 2014
A reader asked a question in the Comments section of a previous article regarding the selection process for the new Gold Ball team event in March. Since I didn't...
Info from Sections for 2014
Below is a link to the information that each USTA section has posted regarding the 2014 junior competition calendar. Those sections...
How Will You Handle Things in 2014?
It's October which means those pesky 2014 junior competition changes are just about 12...
Explanation of 2014 Schedule from USTA
A parent just sent me the document below that was distributed during Zonals last week. Maybe it will help clarify the...
2014 USTA National Schedule Released
2014_National_Junior_Tournament_SchedulePlease click on the link above to see the 2014 National Junior Tournament Schedule. While I haven't had a chance to evaluate it yet - nor to compare...
Alternatives to USTA Tournaments
I was having a phone conversation with another tennis parent yesterday - we were discussing all the stuff going on with...
Miami Meeting Update
This just in from Bill Mountford:The JC&S Committee had the first of two scheduled meetings earlier today and then an open forum in the afternoon. There will be...