Junior Tournaments & Rankings

Clarification on Selection Process for 2014

A reader asked a question in the Comments section of a previous article regarding the selection process for the new Gold Ball team event in March. Since I didn’t have the answer, I contacted my Go-To Guy, Bill Ozaki, Director of Programs & Player Development in the Southern section. Here is what he shared with me:

Players for that event (March Team Event – 32 draw) will be chosen from the National Standings at the time of selection. There are five national events where sections will have a quota: National clay, hard and winter championships and the February and October closed regionals. Zonals and intersectional team events are by section selection. All other events are selected from the National Standings.

I hope this help clarifies things for y’all. For the complete National Schedule for 2014, please click here (right click on the schedule page to rotate it).


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