The Podcast

College Recruiting in an App? with Heath & Lindsey Waters

To listen to this week’s podcast, click on the white arrow below:


Last year, we were all introduced to the Match!Tennis App, a one-stop-shop for all your junior tournament needs – a calendar, rankings, ratings, medical release, weather updates, doubles partner search, and more. When I used the app during the 2017 Sol Schwartz #SaveCollegeTennis All-In Tournaments, I was blown away by all it could do from the Tournament Director side, too.

And now the app has gone one better. You can use it to manage your college recruiting process by searching schools by division, finding programs where your child’s UTR, GPA, and standardized test scores will open the door, track visits and communications, plus get reminders of when applications are due or when it’s time to follow up with a coach. You can watch a tutorial on Match U here. It’s awesome!

In this week’s podcast, we hear from the app’s creators once again, Heath and Lindsey Lee-Waters, Tennis Parents themselves who decided they’d had enough with traditional time-sucking junior tournament and college search responsibilities.

Please give the episode a listen then run – don’t walk! – to your computer to register at! ParentingAces listeners/readers get a nice discount through August 6, 2018. Just use the following codes when registering:

Annual Discount code: acesyear
Monthly Discount code: acesmonth

To find the app, go to If your child is playing in either of #theSol tournaments this summer, you can try the app for free (instructions are on the tourney websites here and here).

Even if you decide NOT to purchase the app (which I’m not sure why you wouldn’t at least try the 30-day-free option!), your junior can create a profile at this link that college coaches will see.

For information about the Sol Schwartz #SaveCollegeTennis All-In Tournaments, visit our Facebook page here. Register for the Atlanta event here and the Baltimore event here. A huge thank you to all of our sponsors including Match!Tennis App!

Thank you to STØNE for our music! You can find more of his music at

If you’re so inclined, please share this ? and all our episodes! ? with your tennis community. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or via the ParentingAces website.

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