Somehow, even though I live in the Southern Section, I got on an email list for USTA Florida. I’m glad I did! The section sends out great information each week on the various tournaments going on within the section, registration deadlines, and industry news. It’s very informative!
But, this week, I got a new email from them. This one, called the USTA Florida Junior Competigram, was focused solely around junior tennis. Here’s what it contained:
Dear Junior Tournament Player and Tournament Parent!
Welcome to the Competigram being sent exclusively to USTA Florida Junior Tournament Players and Parents each month. It will include new and upcoming events in Florida, reminders about changes in Florida competitive regulations, and other topics of special importance to you as a Tournament Player and Tournament Parent. Your input and feedback are welcome.
USTA Florida 2015 Youth Tennis Pathway!
New program for the 10 and under event player!
USTA Florida is in the process of creating an exciting pilot program for junior players in the USTA Florida tournament system. Please go to this article on our Game Changer Blog to read more and make comments:
Game Changer Blog: Your Feedback on the Youth Tennis Pathway Pilot!
New Youth USTA Florida Website!
There are Junior Tournaments for all players whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Use the website to find out what Junior Tournament Level is right for you. To go directly to the Competitive area of the website to find out about tournaments start here: Junior Competitive Website
I forwarded the email to the designated Junior Competition person in each of the other 16 sections in hopes that they will follow suit and keep all of us updated on any information and/or changes within our sections. I’ve already heard back from Bonnie Vona in the Mid-Atlantic Section that they are in the midst of restructuring their section and their website, so those of you in that area can expect some positive changes very soon!
Congratulations to USTA Florida and Ann Brown for taking the initiative to better communicate with members! This is exactly the type of information I’ve been asking for for a long time, and I believe it will greatly help all of us in our Junior Tennis Journeys.