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Day 20: Our Last Big Marketing Trip


We decided to do one last marketing trip to stock up on fresh fruits and veggies to get us through today and tomorrow. After our morning cycle class, Emma and I hit up the Dekalb Farmers Market, this incredible array of produce, spices, grains, canned goods, meats, and seafood sourced locally and internationally. When I tell you this place has everything, I really do mean EVERY THING! Like Australian micro-citrus finger limes and Kabocha squash and the biggest papayas you’ve ever seen!

And, we had a last-minute change of menu. One of Emma’s college friends who is also an actress here in Atlanta came over to help Emma tape an audition and joined us for dinner. She’s vegetarian, so we did another fish entree tonight with the Red Snapper we had picked up at the farmer’s market. Matthew fired up the grill again which was an added flavor bonus!

Speaking of Matthew, as we were talking at dinner last night about how we were so close to the end of this Challenge, he lamented that it was almost over and said he’d be up for continuing it indefinitely. That really took Emma and me by surprise! Matthew has been the one of us having to make the most changes, food-wise, over the past 3 weeks, and we just kinda figured he’d be more than ready to get back to his Diet Cokes and Kind Bars. But, no. He’s not just willing but actually wants to keep up the clean eating, throwing in some not-so-clean dinners out every now and then. If that’s the only result that comes out of this Challenge, I will most definitely view it as a raging success!


Be sure to check out Emma, the Queen of the Kitchen herself, on this week’s ParentingAces Radio Show!

Day 20 Menu

Pre-Breakfast: 8-12 ounces of water plus 8-12 ounces of Green Juice

Breakfast: Smoothie (for my husband: gluten-free toast with sliced apple)

Mid-morning snack: Organic Blueberries

Pre-Lunch: 4-6 ounces of Green Juice

Lunch: Emma’s Sauteed Chickpeas with Kale & Avocado

Afternoon snack: Asian Pear slices, almonds

Pre-Dinner: 4-6 ounces of Green Juice

Dinner: Grilled Red Snapper with Grilled Artichokes, Roasted Carrots, & Organic Tricolor Quinoa


Grilled Red Snapper


4 Red Snapper fillets
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
Fresh rosemary sprigs
Salt and pepper


Place fillets skin-side-down on a large piece of heavy-duty foil and brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with garlic, salt, & pepper. Top with rosemary sprigs. Grill (on the foil) 4-6 minutes or until cooked through. Enjoy!

Helpful Links
Click here for Chef V’s website
Click here for the Queen of the Kitchen website
Click here for a Google list of Green Juice recipes

Workout of the Day
Pace45 at Pace23 (Lisa & Emma)

Queen of the Kitchen Show Instagram Feed
[instashow source=”@queenofthekitchenshow”]


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