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Canada, eh?

Canada, eh?
Vancouver Island, Canada

Vancouver Island, Canada

We woke up early to make the 8am Victoria Clipper out to Vancouver Island where we would spend the last day of our trip.

The trip out to the island took about 2 hours 45 minutes, but the boat was really nice with very comfy seats, on -board dining options, and, most importantly, clean bathrooms!

Once we arrived in Victoria, we had to go through Customs then boarded a travel coach (with tour guide) which drove us around the Island, eventually depositing us at the glorious Butchart Gardens. We had 2 hours to spend exploring the Gardens, which was plenty of time, then the travel coach took us back to the Empress Hotel in Victoria. We had about 2 hours to walk around the city which was again plenty of time. The weather was gorgeous, and it was nice just being outside. We mostly hung around the harbor area looking at the yachts and doing a little reading before boarding the Clipper back to Seattle. While we enjoyed the day, it was a lot of travel time just to see the Gardens. I’m glad we did it, but I’m not sure it’s something I’d recommend to anyone outside of avid garden-lovers.

We were pretty tired after our day of boating, so we decided to grab some food in the hotel bar, called the Bookstore Bar. I had a delicious cocktail and Matthew tried another local beer. It was a great ending to a beautiful day.


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