The Podcast

Unleash the Athlete (ft. James Leath)

Welcome to Season 10, Episode 21, of the ParentingAces Podcast, part of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week we are speaking with James Leath, founder of Unleash the Athlete.

To listen to this week’s episode, click the arrow below:

To watch the video version of this week’s podcast, click the arrow below:

James Leath is a mental performance coach and the founder of Unleash the Athlete ( With a bachelors in communication, a masters in Performance Psychology, and almost 20 years of coaching experience, James teaches leadership, character, and mental resiliency to elite performers in sport, theater, and business through keynotes, workshops, and online courses.

James has worked for companies like IMG Academy, USA Swimming, Positive Coaching Alliance, American Heart Association, the Dallas Cowboys, and the Chicago Bulls. He currently lives in Dallas, TX and coaches high school football.

Throughout James’s sports experiences, he has always strived to create better relationships and better communication between coaches, parents, and young athletes. He uses his own life in football and baseball to inform the work he does across all sports, including his weekly e-newsletter and podcast, Unleash Your Life.

To get more information on James’s work and to sign up for his e-newsletter, visit his website at You can also find James on pretty much all social media platforms @jamesleath.

As always, a big thank you to Morgan Stone, aka STØNE, for our intro and outro music this season. You can find more of his music at If you’re interested in House Music, please be sure to check out his social media channels on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

If you’re so inclined, please share this – and all our episodes! – with your tennis community. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or via your favorite podcast app. If you haven’t already, be sure to become a Member of ParentingAces by clicking here.

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