The Podcast

RacketStats Tennis Tech with Andy Durham

Welcome to Season 10, Episode 9, of the ParentingAces Podcast, part of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week we take a look at some new Tennis Technology to help parents, players, and coaches with our guest, Andy Durham.

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Andy Durham is the founder of, an app allowing parents, players, and coaches an easy system to chart and get access to vital statistics. He is a member of the USPTA, PTR and has been teaching for 48 years, many of his students rising to college, WTA and ATP levels. Currently he is the Director of Tennis at the Cindy Hummel Tennis Center in Auburndale, Florida.

Half the kids playing tennis tournaments give up after playing two tournaments after all the work they have done just to get there. RacketStats is an app with a database for Boys and Girls 14, 16, 18 and college to help parents set goals for their players and quantify the areas of their game. It was designed to be easy to use for any parent, coach, or friend and offers 11 – 34 statistics that can be texted/emailed to anyone after the match.

In recent years, tennis – like many sports – has become very data driven. If you watch any professional tennis match on tv, you will constantly hear the commentators discussing 1st serve percentage and the percentage of points won on the forehand vs. backhand side. Now, parents can track their kids’ matches using the simple tools provided in RacketStats, share those statistics with the coach, and give their players concrete data to use in practice and competition. Plus, tracking your child’s match is a great way to keep your mind occupied while your child competes – we all know Tennis Parents can benefit from that!

For more information and to download RacketStats, click here. To reach Andy Durham, email him at [email protected].

As always, a big thank you to Morgan Stone, aka STØNE, for our intro and outro music this season. You can find more of his music at If you’re interested in House Music, please be sure to check out his social media channels on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

If you’re so inclined, please share this – and all our episodes! – with your tennis community. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or via your favorite podcast app. If you haven’t already, be sure to become a Member of ParentingAces by clicking here.

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