The Podcast

Managing the Junior Development Pathway from Red Ball to College

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When you’re a 10-and-Under Faculty Coach for the USTA, you have access to the latest information on junior development and the best way to navigate the process. When you’re also the parent of a college tennis player, you have something even better: first-hand experience!

Coach/Parent Ellen Miller has seen the process unfold not only with her young players but also in her own family. She is the mother of 4 children, two of whom played or are playing college sports, all of whom grew up participating in multiple sports. Ellen competed in multiple sports as well, finally choosing to play college tennis at Rice University in Houston and now competing as a Senior Master Swimmer.

I’m sharing all this with you so that you understand this woman knows her stuff when it comes to youth sports development and college recruiting! She has been through it herself. She has parented her children through it. And now she is guiding families as they enter the Junior Tennis Journey.

I encourage you to listen closely to Ellen’s advice. This episode is full of good stuff that will help all parents and coaches do a better job.

Ellen has graciously offered to help anyone needing some guidance through the Junior Development Pathway. You can reach her at [email protected].

To get information on the Houston NJTL and how you can get involved or donate, click here. To get information on your local NJTL chapter, click here.

As always, a big thank you to STØNE for our music! You can find more of his music at

If you’re so inclined, please share this – and all our episodes! – with your tennis community. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

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