The Podcast

Creating the Champion Tennis Parent

USPTA Middle States


I had the opportunity to speak at the Middle States USPTA Conference in Philadelphia last weekend, presenting to a room full of coaches. What a treat!

This week’s podcast is a slightly edited recording of my presentation. You will hear questions from the audience (please forgive the sound quality as I was recording the whole thing on my iPhone) and my attempts at helping these coaches understand what parents want from them. We discuss communication, tournaments, rankings, college recruiting, and burnout among other things. I hope this presentation opens the door to many more opportunities to address coaches directly and help to bridge the gap between them and us.

After giving my talk and having the chance to chat with some of the coaches afterward, it became very evident that there is still a big disconnect between what parents want and need and what coaches are currently offering. I am hoping to give a similar presentation at other coaching conferences and would love your input, Tennis Parents, as to what you would like me to share with the junior coaches. What are some of the things you would like your child’s coach to do? What information would you like them to share? What knowledge do you wish they had? And, so as not to be so negative, what are some of the things your child’s coach is doing well? Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.

You will hear me reference a Facebook Live video that I did regarding USPTA certification. You can find that video at

You will also hear me mention Allistair McCaw’s new book, Champion Minded. You can find his book here.

Thank you for listening and sharing our podcast with your tennis community! Please be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Google Play or wherever you like to grab your podcasts! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the ParentingAces Podcast, click here for more information.

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