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What’s Coming in 2021?

If you follow ParentingAces on Facebook or Twitter, you may have seen my post yesterday about the Junior Competition changes that were recently voted on and approved by USTA. The full press release and other supporting documentation is below.

During my time at the 2019 US Open, I sat down with Lew Brewer, USTA’s Director of Junior Competition, and Andrea Norman from the NorCal section to discuss the pending changes, so yesterday’s announcement did not come as any surprise to me. Since Lew and Andrea asked me to hold off on writing about the changes until after the vote at the USTA Semi-Annual Meeting, you are just now getting official information from ParentingAces.

In the next week or so, I will be doing an interview with Lew to answer any questions you have on the new structure, why USTA chose to changes things again, and what Tennis Parents (and coaches and players) should do to ensure a seamless transition in 2021. To that end, please email me or Comment below with your questions once you read through the material. My interview with Lew will ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO PREMIUM MEMBERS, so please be sure to join by visiting our Membership Page.

I also want to share that USTA has put a lot of thought into how best to disseminate information on this new structure and educate tournament directors, parents, coaches, and players BEFORE the changes go into effect. This is a new MO for USTA, and I’m very pleased they are being proactive in this regard.

Here is the Official Release from USTA:

[docupress-document url=’’/]

Here is some supporting information:

[docupress-document url=’’/]

Additional information will be posted to the USTA website as it becomes available:

NOTE: Click here to watch the April 9, 2020 Junior Unification Webinar hosted by Martin Blackman, Mardy Fish, and Lew Brewer explaining the new 2021 Junior Competition Structure. Scroll to the 15-minute mark to jump to the meat of the conversation.

Don’t forget to post your questions so Lew can answer them! And don’t forget to join as a Premium Member if you haven’t already!


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