I was sitting in Arthur Ashe stadium yesterday afternoon when I saw the tweet from the NY Times: Patrick McEnroe Out As USTA Player Development Head. A little while later, I received an email from USTA’s communications department alerting all media on site of the press conference to explain in more detail exactly what was going on. Of course, I was there amid some very powerful media representatives, including the author of the original NY Times piece as well as folks from ESPN, Inside Tennis, and others.
Colette Lewis of ZooTennis.com has written a detailed account of what went on yesterday – click here to read it along with links to several other related resources. Rather than restate what Colette has already presented so well, instead I’ve included below the audio from the press conference. I’m sure I will be writing more about this latest USTA development once I’ve had time to process it fully (and get some sleep – it was a very late night at the Open last night!), so please check back over the next few days. In the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts on who should succeed Patrick and why you feel that person is qualified for the job – please share your ideas in the Comments section below.