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Another Week on the Alternate List

Another week, another local Southern Level 3 tourney, another alternate list.  But, this time there’s a possible out – DOUBLES!

Even though my son registered for both the B16 and B18 singles for this weekend’s tournament, and even though he’s on the alternate list for both, he still has an opportunity – we hope! – to play doubles.  This tournament is one of a handful that is offering both singles and doubles to the kids, and, even if you don’t get into the singles draw, there’s a very good chance that you could get into the doubles.

There’s a hierarchy for being chosen to play in the doubles draw, though, as follows:

1. Teams with both players entered in the singles

2. Teams with one player entered in singles and one alternate

3. Teams with one player entered in singles and one player not registered for singles

4. Teams with both players not registered for singles

Since my son is currently on the alternate list, his best hope for getting into the doubles is to choose a partner currently in the singles draw (#2 on the list above).  With only 32 players in each age group and several of them already partnered up for the dubs, it becomes a numbers game.

The tournament director specifically stated on the website that it’s up to the players to find their own partners – the tournament staff will NOT randomly partner players.  So, now comes the fun part.  My son is contacting the guys he knows in the singles, one by one, to try to find a partner.  Assuming he’s successful and gets to play, then showing up as an on-site alternate for the singles becomes a no-brainer.  Wish him luck!

Parenting Aces

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