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A Teeny Tiny Hiccup


With College Move-In Day still over a month away, my son had specific plans for spending his time both on the court and off. As they say, though, the best laid plans . . .

On Monday my son had an appointment with the oral surgeon to determine whether or not he needed to have his wisdom teeth removed. In fact, he did. So, this morning my son had his 4 teeth pulled and will spend the next 2 or 3 days recovering from the procedure.

It’s a rite of passage for most teenagers – it’s one I went through myself the summer before starting college as did both of my daughters – so, in the scheme of things, it’s not a big deal.

Yesterday, I stocked up on pudding, applesauce, Ramen noodles, Popsicles, and other soft stuff to keep him somewhat nourished while his mouth heals. Right this minute, he’s asleep in my bed, feeling the effects of the anesthesia and pain medication. I suspect the next 24-48 hours are going to be pretty uncomfortable for him though the oral surgeon said he could try some light hitting as soon as Sunday if he’s feeling up to it. We’ll see.

Anyway, my point in sharing this little hiccup is that it’s just that – a hiccup. The old me would’ve been freaking out about my son missing training time right before heading off to college. But, the current me sees this for exactly what it is: a chance to take care of a minor though necessary medical procedure while my son is at home under my care with plenty of time for him to be in shape and ready for Santa Clara next month.

I’m still growing and developing as a Tennis Parent just as my son is still growing and developing as a Tennis Player. Though we both still have much to learn, I’d say we’ve each come a very long way in the 3+ years I’ve been sharing our journey via ParentingAces. If you don’t believe me, just go back and read some of my earlier posts!

But, for now, if you could send some speedy-healing vibes my son’s way, we would both appreciate it!


Parenting Aces

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