The Podcast

What Does it Take to Win a Junior Slam ft. Todd Widom

Welcome to Season 11, Episode 9, of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week, Lisa talks with Coach Todd Widom about what it takes for a junior player to win the biggest events on the world stage. It’s great to finally get Todd back on the pod!

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Bruno Kuzuhara, an American who trains in Florida, was the 2022 Australian Open Boys Singles Champion. What did it take for him to reach that level? What sets him apart from other American juniors?

Coach Todd has some definite thoughts on these and other questions regarding junior tennis development. As usual, he isn’t shy about sharing those opinions with the ParentingAces community, and we love him for it!

To gain more insight into Bruno Kuzuhara, read Colette Lewis’s recent interview with him here.

If you’re interested in learning more about Todd’s training facility and approach, you can reach him on his website here, on Facebook, and on Instagram. He is very responsive and welcomes players to come work with him and his team. Todd has also recently started posting a weekly FAQ in the ParentingAces Facebook Group, so be sure to check that out as well.

If you’re so inclined, please share this – and all our episodes! – with your tennis community. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or via your favorite podcast app. And check out our logo’d merch as well as our a la carte personal consultations in our online shop. To support ParentingAces’ work with a financial donation of any size via PayPal, click here.


Intro & Outro Music: Morgan Stone aka STØNE

Audio & Video Editing: Lisa Stone


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