The Podcast

The Future of American Tennis? ft. Marcy Hendricks

Welcome to Season 13, Episode 24, of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week, Lisa is joined by developmental coach Marcy Hendricks.

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Marcy has been teaching High Performance Tennis in the Chicagoland area for 30 years. She has sent over 200 kids to prestigious colleges with full ride tennis scholarships ( Duke, Princeton, Notre Dame, Stanford, North Carolina, Georgia to name just a few). She has worked and run over 25 USTA sectional and regional camps and was the Girls 18’s Fed Cup Coach for the Midwest section for 7 years and the Battle of the Sections Coach in 2023. Marcy currently serves on the USTA Coaches Commission board while continuing to work with juniors of all ages and levels.

Recently, Marcy has noticed a disturbing trend in developmental coaching and how junior players and parents respond to it. Coaches are no longer receiving the type of education and support from our governing body necessary to helping them do their jobs most effectively. Only those coaches who are intrinsically motivated to learn and improve on their own time are getting better at developing players using the most current body of knowledge and techniques employed in other parts of the world.

Parents are – dare I say it? – almost too involved in their children’s tennis journey while lacking the education and support necessary to ensure all parties involved have the most positive experience possible. Lucky you to have ParentingAces here to help!

And the junior players are paying the price, wasting precious time with coaches who don’t have the knowledge or desire to help them reach their potential.

In this episode, Marcy and I talk about these issues – and more! – in hopes of effecting change in the way junior coaches are educated and supported. We would love to hear your thoughts via the Comments!

To reach March directly, you can email her at [email protected]. You can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram and message her on either platform.

If you’re so inclined, please share this – and all our episodes! – with your fellow tennis players, parents, and coaches. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or via your favorite podcast app. Please be sure to check out our logo’d merch as well as our a la carte personal consultations in our online shop.


Intro & Outro Music: Morgan Stone aka STØNE

Audio & Video Editing: Lisa Stone


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