The Podcast

The Drive Home ft. Mark & Britt McKinney

Welcome to Season 12 Episode 21 of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. For this week’s pod, Lisa chats with sports parents, Mark and Britt McKinney, about their book, THE DRIVE HOME, and some of the things we can do to be better at this Tennis Parent thing.

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Mark and Britt have a daughter who participated in competitive cheerleading and a son who still competes in competitive junior golf. They began to realize they each had a role to play in their children’s – and their family’s – well-being when it came to extra-curricular pursuits and that they weren’t doing things as well as they could. They sought counsel from other sports parents but also from highly-successful coaches and business leaders to improve their own sports parenting skills. As they gathered information, they realized other sports parents could likely benefit from their new-found knowledge so decided to write a book together.

THE DRIVE HOME delves into the common issues all sports parents face when helping their children pursue a passion at an elite level. Mark and Britt use humor and personal anecdotes as they share stories of their own missteps and how they have learned to do better as their children are nearing the end of their junior competitive years.

For more information, follow the McKinneys’ Facebook page at They also have an interactive Facebook Group at To order THE DRIVE HOME, click (ParentingAces may receive a small commission on your order) – for bulk orders, simply email Mark and Britt at [email protected].

About Mark & Britt:

Mark and Britt have been married for 25 years and have walked the fairways of junior golf tournaments for roughly 10 of those. They are the proud parents to two children, Katie Britt and Ben, reside in the upstate of South Carolina, and are proud members of the roller-coaster community of golf parents.

Mark is a graduate of Clemson University, works in the software industry, and has a passion for storytelling, laughter, and anything golf.  Mark authored his first book, Faith on a Sticky Note in 2010.

Britt is a lifelong educator with a passion for teaching and writing.  She describes herself as an avid golf mom who gladly gives up vacations to walk the grass fairways instead of sandy beaches.  Britt graduated from Georgia Southern University and also holds degrees from Furman University and Augusta University.

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Intro & Outro Music: Morgan Stone aka STØNE

Audio & Video Editing: Lisa Stone


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