The Podcast

Match!Tennis App: It’s Like They’re Reading Our Minds ft. Heath Waters

Welcome to Season 12 Episode 43 – our final one of the year – of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. Heath Waters of Match!Tennis App is back with us to share the latest updates to this game-changing tech!

To watch this week’s podcast:

To listen to this week’s podcast:

Based on the discussions that happen in our Facebook groups and our one-on-one consults, there are some pain points common to almost all tennis families. And, sadly, these pain points rarely change or get resolved by the governing bodies of our sport.

Match!Tennis App hears about these same issues and continues to evolve to address and solve problems such as finding a doubles partner, managing tournament entries, sportsmanship, and tournament quality control.

In this week’s edition, Heath demonstrates for us the latest updates to the app, so I encourage all of you to check out the video version of this episode on

For our past podcasts with Heath:

To get the app, go to to register before downloading the app in the App Store. There is a free version that gives you access to the most commonly-used features and a paid version ($9.99/month or $100/year) that gives you full access to all features.

BONUS: For double the FREE access to the Premium version (30 days instead of 15), simply email [email protected] and tell them you’re part of the ParentingAces community.

For any questions or suggestions for app improvements, you can email Heath at [email protected]. You can also use the live chat feature on the website for immediate help.

For information on the app’s new AI Tournament Comparison Tool, click to watch this video.

Tournament Comparison Tool Features:

  • Multi-select tournaments to compare data (Select and compare as many as you would like)
  • Compare same-level events data (e.g. L5 events- displays all L5 events data side by side for a rapid snapshot of important decision-making data)
  • Compare different level events data (e.g. L6 vs L5 vs L4 etc- For players working on moving from one level to another or bouncing back and forth to keep win:loss ratio optimal)
  • AI reveals where your player(s) stand in each event with ranking and ratings (This is GOLD- personalizes the data in a side-by-side format for rapid review of which event(s) might be optimal for any selected player)
  • Auto generates each event DISTANCE from your zip code (as the crow flies- for budget and time considerations)
  • Auto generates each draw type (match count considerations-16 draw vs 64 draw affords an opportunity difference for players working on match count volume)
  • Auto generates the length of the event (How many days- for budget and time considerations)
  • WTN and UTR range output for each event- (Instant snapshot of the accurate player levels registered for each event)

If you’re so inclined, please share this – and all our episodes! – with your tennis community. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or via your favorite podcast app. And check out our logo’d merch as well as our a la carte personal consultations in our online shop. To support ParentingAces’ work with a financial donation of any size via PayPal, click here.


Intro & Outro Music: Morgan Stone aka STØNE

Audio & Video Editing: Lisa Stone


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