The Podcast

Finding My Own Identity ft. Brett Connors

Welcome to Season 11, Episode 15, of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week, Lisa chats with Brett Connors, current producer at the Tennis Channel and son of World Number 1, Jimmy Connors, and his wife, model Patti McGuire.

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Growing up as the child of world-famous parents can be a pressure cooker. You’re always being held up in the world’s eye to the uber-high standards set by your parents. In Brett Connors’s case, he definitely faced some of that pressure but has found a way to forge his own path and identity both in and outside of the tennis world.

Not only did Brett and his younger sister, Aubree, have to deal with their parents’ fame but also with their dad’s frequent time away from them as he traveled the world competing. That said, their mother found a way to bring a sense of normalcy to their childhood while encouraging them both to pursue their own interests and dreams.

After playing both golf and tennis as a young child, Brett eventually chose to pursue golf in college and still plays to this day. Leaving junior tennis and discovering a passion for photography and production have helped him find his own unique identity separate from his “Pops” and also led them both to co-hosting a podcast, Advantage Connors where they talk about tennis, for sure, as well as other topics of interest.

To see Brett’s photography and keep up with his latest podcast episodes, you can follow him on Twitter and Instagram. The Advantage Connors podcast is on Instagram here.

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Intro & Outro Music: Morgan Stone aka STØNE

Audio & Video Editing: Lisa Stone


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